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⚙ 3 years and up

Time and Place

⚙ Any time of day

⚙ Any time of year

⚙ Indoors or outdoors


⚙ Toy vehicles (cars, trucks, or motorcycles)
⚙ Drawing paper 
⚙ Drawing utensils                                  

⚙ A flat surface to draw on  



⚙ Supervise children at all times 


When children show an interest in vehicles (real or toy), invite them to draw a picture using a toy vehicle as a model. If a safe and convenient location is available, children could use a real parked vehicle.

Play-based Context

An educator noticed a preschooler’s interest in motorcycles and invited her to sit and draw a motorcycle together. The educator called the little girl’s attention to the details of the motorcycle as she drew.

Questions You May Ask 

⚙ What kind of vehicle are you drawing?  

⚙ How is your vehicle similar to/different from other vehicles? 

⚙ What parts do you see on the vehicle?

⚙ What parts can you add to your vehicle?           

Related Children's Books

⚙ Car, Car, Truck, Jeep by Katrina Charman
⚙ Counting Cars by Roger Priddy 
⚙ Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to Z by Richard Scarry

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